Amherst Artillery, Inc.
Schedule for 2004
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Help portray history as it was from 1861 to 1865


Amherst Artillery
Kirkpatrick's Battery
Army of Northern

The Amherst Artillery is a family oriented unit.  We are made up of families and individuals throughout the state of Indiana.  We are a group of individuals brought together by our love of history.  We desire to honor and remember not only the soldiers who fought but also the civilians. They fought their own battle on the home front.

Our goals for this unit are:

to educate the public about the time period between 1861 to 1865.

to maintain the historical accuracy and integrity of the Amherst Artillery soldiers and civilians of Virginia.

to create a family bond within the unit.


"Elmer" is a reproduction of an 1863 10 pound Parrott rifled cannon.  In position, from left to right, are 1st Sergeant Dwayne Williams, Private Mike Dowling, Powder monkey Dale Nicodemus, Private David Shindeldecker, and Captain Ralph Downs.

We are based out of Richmond, IN, but have members throughout the state.  We have an artillery and civilian contingent.